Nur Asiyah
IAIN Surakarta
Jl. Pendawa, Pucangan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo
Abstract: Trickster tale is the heart of Native American culture that reflects the life and culture of Native American. The objective of this study is to explore the significant in Native American tales. This study sees the transformation of the prominent trickster figures in the form of power and behavior. It also aims at revealing clear information about the values of trickster transformation toward Native American life.
Emphasizing on the core of cultural study, this study is conducted under the perspective of American studies. Therefore interdisciplinary theory is applied in order to achieve better understanding of studying folklore. Theories that are used: Richard M. Dorson‘s theory of ―American studies type, Herskovit‘s ―theory of folklore, Henry Nash Smith‘s ―Myth and symbol‖, and Carl Jung‘s theory the archetype of myth. The library research is employed as the method of collecting data. The data obtained are analyzed and presented descriptively.
The study reveals that the significance of the prominent figure transformation tends to the essence of power and behavior. The transformation that is found is divided into two broad categories namely cyclical and linear. The transformation covers the two things; power and behavior bring the survival and moral values toward the life.
Key words: Trickster, transformation, value, Native American
Nur Asiyah
IAIN Surakarta
Jl. Pendawa, Pucangan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo
Abstract: Trickster tale is the heart of Native American culture that reflects the life and culture of Native American. The objective of this study is to explore the significant in Native American tales. This study sees the transformation of the prominent trickster figures in the form of power and behavior. It also aims at revealing clear information about the values of trickster transformation toward Native American life.
Emphasizing on the core of cultural study, this study is conducted under the perspective of American studies. Therefore interdisciplinary theory is applied in order to achieve better understanding of studying folklore. Theories that are used: Richard M. Dorson‘s theory of ―American studies type, Herskovit‘s ―theory of folklore, Henry Nash Smith‘s ―Myth and symbol‖, and Carl Jung‘s theory the archetype of myth. The library research is employed as the method of collecting data. The data obtained are analyzed and presented descriptively.
The study reveals that the significance of the prominent figure transformation tends to the essence of power and behavior. The transformation that is found is divided into two broad categories namely cyclical and linear. The transformation covers the two things; power and behavior bring the survival and moral values toward the life.
Key words: Trickster, transformation, value, Native American
The first revelation is “iqro” read! in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher. It deals with reading aspects. It is not command about worshipping to The God, One and Only; and there is none like unto Him. It is a strange command remembering that Arab nation is paganism while the revealing of Holy Qur’an is aimed at teaching human being to worship the God, the Lord of the world. The word iqro is repeated twice in the five verses of al-‘Alaq. It signifies that God wanted to show human being to involve mind in accepting the Unseen. Unfortunately, Moslems are still lack of reading. The reading interest is still low even in reading Holy Qur’an although it is as the Holy book and way of life for Moslems. Based on this problem, Ayo Baca Qur’an (ABQ) tries to raise the reading interest through the effective and integrated method because by using the appropriate method the learning process will be effective and efficient. The difficult material can be understood easily if it is presented by the right method. ABQ has been taught around Solo cities and has got the positive responds from the society. Nowadays ABQ is presented in a book that is supported by VCD. Therefore, it can be learned individually as material in self access learning.
Key words: ABQ, Reading, Interest, Ability
The first revelation is “iqro” read! in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher. It deals with reading aspects. It is not command about worshipping to The God, One and Only; and there is none like unto Him. It is a strange command remembering that Arab nation is paganism while the revealing of Holy Qur’an is aimed at teaching human being to worship the God, the Lord of the world. The word iqro is repeated twice in the five verses of al-‘Alaq. It signifies that God wanted to show human being to involve mind in accepting the Unseen. Unfortunately, Moslems are still lack of reading. The reading interest is still low even in reading Holy Qur’an although it is as the Holy book and way of life for Moslems. Based on this problem, Ayo Baca Qur’an (ABQ) tries to raise the reading interest through the effective and integrated method because by using the appropriate method the learning process will be effective and efficient. The difficult material can be understood easily if it is presented by the right method. ABQ has been taught around Solo cities and has got the positive responds from the society. Nowadays ABQ is presented in a book that is supported by VCD. Therefore, it can be learned individually as material in self access learning.
Key words: ABQ, Reading, Interest, Ability
Oleh : Nur Asiyah, M.A IAIN SURAKARTA
Masalah pendidikan semakin kompleks sehingga tujuan pendidikan untuk mengantarkan siswa yang humanis dan religius belum sepenuhnya terealisir. Untuk menyelesaikan segala permasalahan yang ada didunia pendidikan tidaklah mudah. Harus segera ada penaganan yang terorganisasi dengan baik dan kerjasama dari berbagai pihak. Keteladanan guru bisa dijadikan fokus utama pemerintah dan stake holder untuk mulai mengurai segala permasalahan pendidikan saat ini. Dengan adanya prinsip keteladanan guru yang memiliki mindset berpikir positif dan berkembang akan membawa perbahan yang besar bagi siswa.
Konsep ini bisa dimulai dari pelatihan yang berorientasi pada perubahan mindset guru. Dengan perubahan mindset, otomatis perbaikan difaktor lain akan mengikutinya. Di samping itu pembekalan guru terhadap managemen pribadi mereka tidak kalah penting sebagaimana pembekalan mereka akan nilai moral itu sendiri. Dengan adanya menejemen masing-masing guru maka akan memperlancar tugas utama guru dalam mentransfer ilmu dan turut mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa menuju masyarakat yang mempunyai peradapan tinggi dan penghormatan yang tinngi pula terhadap ilmu.
Key word: Education System, Humanist, Religious, Modelling
Oleh : Nur Asiyah, M.A IAIN SURAKARTA
Masalah pendidikan semakin kompleks sehingga tujuan pendidikan untuk mengantarkan siswa yang humanis dan religius belum sepenuhnya terealisir. Untuk menyelesaikan segala permasalahan yang ada didunia pendidikan tidaklah mudah. Harus segera ada penaganan yang terorganisasi dengan baik dan kerjasama dari berbagai pihak. Keteladanan guru bisa dijadikan fokus utama pemerintah dan stake holder untuk mulai mengurai segala permasalahan pendidikan saat ini. Dengan adanya prinsip keteladanan guru yang memiliki mindset berpikir positif dan berkembang akan membawa perbahan yang besar bagi siswa.
Konsep ini bisa dimulai dari pelatihan yang berorientasi pada perubahan mindset guru. Dengan perubahan mindset, otomatis perbaikan difaktor lain akan mengikutinya. Di samping itu pembekalan guru terhadap managemen pribadi mereka tidak kalah penting sebagaimana pembekalan mereka akan nilai moral itu sendiri. Dengan adanya menejemen masing-masing guru maka akan memperlancar tugas utama guru dalam mentransfer ilmu dan turut mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa menuju masyarakat yang mempunyai peradapan tinggi dan penghormatan yang tinngi pula terhadap ilmu.
Key word: Education System, Humanist, Religious, Modelling
Lilik Untari, Nur Asiyah, Novianni Anggraini
IAIN Surakarta
English is a compulsory subject for the students in Indonesia including students of SMPLB. The SMPLB students are found to have difficulties in reaching the standard grade to pass the National evaluation (UN). This might happen since they have limitation in vocabulary mastery due to their hearing impairment. This study is to recognize the characteristic of DH students, implement SDH to teach English vocabulary for DH students and find out its strengths. It is a Classroom Action Research, involving 6 students of SLB-B YRTRW Surakarta. It is recognized that physically, the students have severely to profoundly pre-lingual deafness. They cannot hear conversational speech, but they may still hear loud sound. Vision is their primary modality for communication. Their individual speech is not easy to understand. Psychological characteristics are seen from their spoken language development, communication ability, academic achievement, social adaptation, and intelligence. To solve their limitation in acquiring vocabulary through hearing, SDH is offered. SDH is a media that can be used to introduce a concept of word by visualizing the concept audio-visually as well as literally. The visual context on the subtitled video made the students easy to comprehend the vocabulary. Thus, it helps the students understand the story structure of the video. It encouraged other language activity to take place in the class. Thus, after the implementation of SDH, the students demonstrated increased vocabulary mastery. In the interview, it was revealed that the students have valuable classroom activity with SDH. They showed their attractiveness toward the class.
Keyword: deaf and hard of hearing (DH) students, SDH, English vocabulary
Lilik Untari, Nur Asiyah, Novianni Anggraini
IAIN Surakarta
English is a compulsory subject for the students in Indonesia including students of SMPLB. The SMPLB students are found to have difficulties in reaching the standard grade to pass the National evaluation (UN). This might happen since they have limitation in vocabulary mastery due to their hearing impairment. This study is to recognize the characteristic of DH students, implement SDH to teach English vocabulary for DH students and find out its strengths. It is a Classroom Action Research, involving 6 students of SLB-B YRTRW Surakarta. It is recognized that physically, the students have severely to profoundly pre-lingual deafness. They cannot hear conversational speech, but they may still hear loud sound. Vision is their primary modality for communication. Their individual speech is not easy to understand. Psychological characteristics are seen from their spoken language development, communication ability, academic achievement, social adaptation, and intelligence. To solve their limitation in acquiring vocabulary through hearing, SDH is offered. SDH is a media that can be used to introduce a concept of word by visualizing the concept audio-visually as well as literally. The visual context on the subtitled video made the students easy to comprehend the vocabulary. Thus, it helps the students understand the story structure of the video. It encouraged other language activity to take place in the class. Thus, after the implementation of SDH, the students demonstrated increased vocabulary mastery. In the interview, it was revealed that the students have valuable classroom activity with SDH. They showed their attractiveness toward the class.
Keyword: deaf and hard of hearing (DH) students, SDH, English vocabulary
Visual Novel As A Media for Building Character in Education
(The Role of Literature and Media Character education)
Lilik Untari, Nur Asiyah, Novianni Anggraini
Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, IAIN Surakarta
Visual novel is a digital novel which is not just for reading but also for playing. It is a combination of a novel and a computer game. The game consists of text, anime-style background and soundtrack music. It is usually a simulation of events. In playing the game, the player should choose the action that brings consequences in actors’ life. This research was a CAR conducted in letters department IAIN Surakarta. The objective was to build students’ character by applying Islamic value in students’ daily life through visual novel. The students were asked to work in groups to create a visual novel in which the story represented moral teaching taken from Islamic norm. The works were then played by other groups and they were given questioners. The result showed that in producing the digital novel, the students were able to apply the intrinsic structures of a novel while exploring the Islamic norm by providing consequences for a choice. Thus, they can understand the right value. From the questioners it was known that the students understood easier the moral teaching and had the willing to apply in real life.
Keywords: Visual novel, Islamic value, character building
(The Role of Literature and Media Character education)
Lilik Untari, Nur Asiyah, Novianni Anggraini
Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, IAIN Surakarta
Visual novel is a digital novel which is not just for reading but also for playing. It is a combination of a novel and a computer game. The game consists of text, anime-style background and soundtrack music. It is usually a simulation of events. In playing the game, the player should choose the action that brings consequences in actors’ life. This research was a CAR conducted in letters department IAIN Surakarta. The objective was to build students’ character by applying Islamic value in students’ daily life through visual novel. The students were asked to work in groups to create a visual novel in which the story represented moral teaching taken from Islamic norm. The works were then played by other groups and they were given questioners. The result showed that in producing the digital novel, the students were able to apply the intrinsic structures of a novel while exploring the Islamic norm by providing consequences for a choice. Thus, they can understand the right value. From the questioners it was known that the students understood easier the moral teaching and had the willing to apply in real life.
Keywords: Visual novel, Islamic value, character building
Popular Culture: A Threat or Challenge for Language Development?
Paper Presentation
Lilik Untari, Nur Asiyah, Novianni Anggraini
(Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, IAIN Surakarta)
The development of technology contributes and becomes important factor in spreading popular culture. Pop culture is constructed by cultural industry to get profit. This culture is distributed through the internet, television, radio, and other media. Language, as an element of culture is also affected by this. The language used in pop culture is language that is created for consumer appeal instead of spontaneous language or one which is naturally occurring. Language is created to meet demand in industrial market which adores consumerism and artificial social prestige. One influential language is song lyrics, as found in Boyband and Girlband songs. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method to describe threat and challenge faced by bahasa Indonesia affected by those lyrics. The result of research showed that those lyrics were considered as a threat, since English dominates in the lyrics. English was more popular to be used in the lyrics. Besides, the interview conducted to youngsters showed that they tend to be more proud in singing the song since it represented their prestige for using English. On the other hand, to meet people’s necessities, it is indispensable for bahasa Indonesia to develop in answering the requirement for practical need.
Key words: Popular Culture, Language, threat, challenge
Paper Presentation
Lilik Untari, Nur Asiyah, Novianni Anggraini
(Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, IAIN Surakarta)
The development of technology contributes and becomes important factor in spreading popular culture. Pop culture is constructed by cultural industry to get profit. This culture is distributed through the internet, television, radio, and other media. Language, as an element of culture is also affected by this. The language used in pop culture is language that is created for consumer appeal instead of spontaneous language or one which is naturally occurring. Language is created to meet demand in industrial market which adores consumerism and artificial social prestige. One influential language is song lyrics, as found in Boyband and Girlband songs. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method to describe threat and challenge faced by bahasa Indonesia affected by those lyrics. The result of research showed that those lyrics were considered as a threat, since English dominates in the lyrics. English was more popular to be used in the lyrics. Besides, the interview conducted to youngsters showed that they tend to be more proud in singing the song since it represented their prestige for using English. On the other hand, to meet people’s necessities, it is indispensable for bahasa Indonesia to develop in answering the requirement for practical need.
Key words: Popular Culture, Language, threat, challenge
By: Nur Asiyah, M.A
English Letters IAIN Surakarta
Assyong2@gmail.com 085740709909
“Khawathiru Syabin” is one of Islamic literature that is delivered by speech and supported by a good editing like a small movie. It consists of thirty different topics in every episode. The latest is eighth episode. Although it has several episodes but like pearl that spread around the world, we can enjoy the speech and take the benefit randomly. The speech is presented in very short time around seven minutes. Therefore, its simplicity shows that “khoirul kalaami ma qola wa dalla” the best speech is the most effective. Most of themes reflected social problems such as the weakness of reading, loving and caring the children, and the cleanness and the tidiness of the mosque. This research is aimed at identifying the concept of Khawathiru Syabin in building the Islamic culture. It is also aimed at revealing the clear information about the impact of Khawathiru Syabin toward the audience as found in youtube and facebook.
Emphasizing on the core of cultural study, this research is conducted by the perspective of sociological approach that is supported by Cawelti’s impact approach and Abram’s mimetic approach. Sociological approach views the relationship between the literature and the society that analyzes the concept of Khawathiru Syabin in building Islamic culture. Impact approach is used to trace direct influence of Khawathiru Syabin on human behavior. The relation between Khawathiru Syabin and the real world is portrayed and mirrored by mimetic approach. The library research is employed as the method of collecting data. Books, journal, articles, e-books, websites, videos, and many written materials based on its relevancies to the discussed subject are collected, and selected. The data obtained are analyzed qualitatively and presented descriptively.
This research reveals that the concept of Khawathiru Syabin in Islamic culture building consist of three significant parts namely: thinking, feeling, and action. The most important changing is the changing of mindset (fikr). The mind is like a driver that brings the car to the destination. The changing of mind is inadequate without feeling, emotion, and courage. Feeling (qolb) is like the fuel that gives the power to move the car. The driver not only needs the fuel but also needs skill and appropriate action (suluk) to reach the destination safely. The integration of those three parts will bring the significant changing of behavior toward the good Islamic culture although the speech is delivered in very short time. This great concept brings the impact through the audience. It can be seen from numerous comments that found in youtube and facebook. Most of the comments show that they are aware of the ease of Islamic teaching which can be applied by starting from the small action. It is not as difficult as they had though before.
Key words: Khawathiru Syabin, Islamic culture, thinking, feeling, action
By: Nur Asiyah, M.A
English Letters IAIN Surakarta
Assyong2@gmail.com 085740709909
“Khawathiru Syabin” is one of Islamic literature that is delivered by speech and supported by a good editing like a small movie. It consists of thirty different topics in every episode. The latest is eighth episode. Although it has several episodes but like pearl that spread around the world, we can enjoy the speech and take the benefit randomly. The speech is presented in very short time around seven minutes. Therefore, its simplicity shows that “khoirul kalaami ma qola wa dalla” the best speech is the most effective. Most of themes reflected social problems such as the weakness of reading, loving and caring the children, and the cleanness and the tidiness of the mosque. This research is aimed at identifying the concept of Khawathiru Syabin in building the Islamic culture. It is also aimed at revealing the clear information about the impact of Khawathiru Syabin toward the audience as found in youtube and facebook.
Emphasizing on the core of cultural study, this research is conducted by the perspective of sociological approach that is supported by Cawelti’s impact approach and Abram’s mimetic approach. Sociological approach views the relationship between the literature and the society that analyzes the concept of Khawathiru Syabin in building Islamic culture. Impact approach is used to trace direct influence of Khawathiru Syabin on human behavior. The relation between Khawathiru Syabin and the real world is portrayed and mirrored by mimetic approach. The library research is employed as the method of collecting data. Books, journal, articles, e-books, websites, videos, and many written materials based on its relevancies to the discussed subject are collected, and selected. The data obtained are analyzed qualitatively and presented descriptively.
This research reveals that the concept of Khawathiru Syabin in Islamic culture building consist of three significant parts namely: thinking, feeling, and action. The most important changing is the changing of mindset (fikr). The mind is like a driver that brings the car to the destination. The changing of mind is inadequate without feeling, emotion, and courage. Feeling (qolb) is like the fuel that gives the power to move the car. The driver not only needs the fuel but also needs skill and appropriate action (suluk) to reach the destination safely. The integration of those three parts will bring the significant changing of behavior toward the good Islamic culture although the speech is delivered in very short time. This great concept brings the impact through the audience. It can be seen from numerous comments that found in youtube and facebook. Most of the comments show that they are aware of the ease of Islamic teaching which can be applied by starting from the small action. It is not as difficult as they had though before.
Key words: Khawathiru Syabin, Islamic culture, thinking, feeling, action
Nur Asiyah, M.A
The spreading of SDIT made madrasa think hard how to survive and to get the students. Although madrasa got the facilities from the government, finally the responds of the society became the quality measurement of schools. In fact, the better quality of the school decided the quantity of the students. Different from the other madrasa that lack of students, MI Al-Islam 1 Ngesrep existed among the raising of SDIT. The society interested and trusted this madrasa to educate their children because the development of curriculum that was applied and several achievements that got. This research was aimed at describing the development of madrasah curriculum to face the global context and finding the way to integrate pesantren concept and madrasa curriculum in the teaching learning process. Besides that, this research was also aimed at describing the impact of the integration between pesantren concept and madasa curriculum.
This research was conducted by descriptive qualitative approach. The researcher used trustworthiness of data, particularly in seeking the credibility of data. Triangulation technique also applied to support the credibility of data. The data related to the discussed subject are collected, selected and analyzed by using descriptive analysis. The data obtained are presented descriptively.
The result of the research showed that to face the global challenge, MI Al-Islam 1 Ngesrep applied and updated the newest curriculum that was developed by Ministry of Religious Affair and Ministry of Education and Culture. The teachers used to participate in training and seminar related to curriculum development. The integration between pesantren and madrasa curriculum was done in every subject such as the teacher taught history by raising the spirit in that subject. The concept of pesanten was applied before studying namely all the students had to read the holy Qur’an. The students prayed dhuha in the rest time and they had to memorize juz amma and additional pesantren lesson in the free lesson after the test. It was different from Islamic integrated schools such as SDII, SDI, or SDIT. In these schools, the implementation of integration was done in all subjects such as studying Science the teacher had to explain based on the religion concept. Therefore it needed a long time to adopt this concept into madrasa. The integration between pesantren and madrasa curriculum was easier to be applied and duplicated in several places of madrasa. By applying this concept madrasa can keep the genuine of madrasa character. The result of the integration of pesantren and national curriculum showed that this madrasa still exists although the raising of SDIT growing faster. The society entrusted this school to educate their children. Besides that this school also got “A” (90) for accreditation from BAN on November 11th 2009. It was regarded as national standard school.
Key words: pesanten concept, madrasa curriculum, global context, integration
Menjamurnya SDIT membuat Madrasah berjuang keras bagaimana untuk tetap bertahan dan bagaimana bisa mendapatkan murid. Meskipun madrasah mendapatkan berbagai fasilitas dari pemerintah, namun pada akhirnya kualitas sekolah akan menentukan jumlah siswa. Berbeda dengan sejumlah madrasah yang kekurangan siswa, MI Al-Islam 1 Ngesrep ternyata berkembang diantara SDIT yang belakangan menjadi tren. Hal ini karena perkembangan kurikulum yang diimplementasikan dan segudang prestasi yang diraihnya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan perkembangan kurikulum madrasah dalam menghadapi persaingan global sekaligus menemukan cara integrasi konsep pesantren dan kurikulum madrasah dalam proses belajar mengajar. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan tentang dampak integrasi antara konsep pesantren dan kurikulum madrasah.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kulaitatif. Peneliti menggunakan validitas data untuk mencari kredibilitas data. Teknik triangulasi diterapkan untuk mendukung kredibilitas data. Data yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini dikumpulkan, diseleksi, dan dianalisa menggunakan deskriptif analisis. Data yang diperoleh disajikan secara deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk menghadapi tantangan global, MI Al-Islam 1 Ngesrep ini selalu meng-update perkembangan kurikulum berdasarkan kurikulum terbaru yang dicanangkan oleh Kementerian Keagamaan dan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Budaya. Para guru sering diikutkan pelatihan dan seminar terkait dengan perkembangan kurikulum. Di sisi lain integrasi antara konsep pesantren dan kurikulum madrasah diaplikasikan pada masing-masing mata pelajaran. Misalnya pada saat siswa belajar sejarah, guru akan menumbuhkan semangat yang muncul dari pelajaran itu tanpa terbebani dengan intergrasi mata pelajaran lain. Konsep ini berbeda dengan sekolah Islam integrasi seperti SDII, SDI, ataupun SDIT. Di sekolah-sekolah tersebut, integrasi mata pelajaran diimplementasikan disemua mata pelajaran. Guru bisa saja mengajar IPA, Guru sekaligus menjelaskan materi berdasarkan agama. Tentu diperlukan waktu yang lama untuk mengadopsi konsep ini pada Madrasah. Integrasi konsep pesantren dan kurikulum madrasah lebih mudah untuk diaplikasikan dan diduplikasi diberbagai madrasah lain. Dengan mengaplikasikan konsep ini madrasah akan tetap bisa menjaga jatidiri karakter madrasah. Hasil integrasi antara kurikulum pesantren dan nasional menunjukkan bahwa sekolah ini masih tetap bertahan meskipun perkembangan SDIT tumbuh pesat. Masyarakat masih mempercayai sekolah ini untuk mendidik anak-anak mereka. Selain itu, sekolah ini mendapat nilai A (90) untuk akreditasi BAN pada tanggal 11 Nopember 2009. Sekolah ini diakui sebagai sekolah berstandar nasional.
Kata Kunci: konsep pesantren, kurikulum madrasah, persaingan global, integrasi
Nur Asiyah, M.A
The spreading of SDIT made madrasa think hard how to survive and to get the students. Although madrasa got the facilities from the government, finally the responds of the society became the quality measurement of schools. In fact, the better quality of the school decided the quantity of the students. Different from the other madrasa that lack of students, MI Al-Islam 1 Ngesrep existed among the raising of SDIT. The society interested and trusted this madrasa to educate their children because the development of curriculum that was applied and several achievements that got. This research was aimed at describing the development of madrasah curriculum to face the global context and finding the way to integrate pesantren concept and madrasa curriculum in the teaching learning process. Besides that, this research was also aimed at describing the impact of the integration between pesantren concept and madasa curriculum.
This research was conducted by descriptive qualitative approach. The researcher used trustworthiness of data, particularly in seeking the credibility of data. Triangulation technique also applied to support the credibility of data. The data related to the discussed subject are collected, selected and analyzed by using descriptive analysis. The data obtained are presented descriptively.
The result of the research showed that to face the global challenge, MI Al-Islam 1 Ngesrep applied and updated the newest curriculum that was developed by Ministry of Religious Affair and Ministry of Education and Culture. The teachers used to participate in training and seminar related to curriculum development. The integration between pesantren and madrasa curriculum was done in every subject such as the teacher taught history by raising the spirit in that subject. The concept of pesanten was applied before studying namely all the students had to read the holy Qur’an. The students prayed dhuha in the rest time and they had to memorize juz amma and additional pesantren lesson in the free lesson after the test. It was different from Islamic integrated schools such as SDII, SDI, or SDIT. In these schools, the implementation of integration was done in all subjects such as studying Science the teacher had to explain based on the religion concept. Therefore it needed a long time to adopt this concept into madrasa. The integration between pesantren and madrasa curriculum was easier to be applied and duplicated in several places of madrasa. By applying this concept madrasa can keep the genuine of madrasa character. The result of the integration of pesantren and national curriculum showed that this madrasa still exists although the raising of SDIT growing faster. The society entrusted this school to educate their children. Besides that this school also got “A” (90) for accreditation from BAN on November 11th 2009. It was regarded as national standard school.
Key words: pesanten concept, madrasa curriculum, global context, integration
Menjamurnya SDIT membuat Madrasah berjuang keras bagaimana untuk tetap bertahan dan bagaimana bisa mendapatkan murid. Meskipun madrasah mendapatkan berbagai fasilitas dari pemerintah, namun pada akhirnya kualitas sekolah akan menentukan jumlah siswa. Berbeda dengan sejumlah madrasah yang kekurangan siswa, MI Al-Islam 1 Ngesrep ternyata berkembang diantara SDIT yang belakangan menjadi tren. Hal ini karena perkembangan kurikulum yang diimplementasikan dan segudang prestasi yang diraihnya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan perkembangan kurikulum madrasah dalam menghadapi persaingan global sekaligus menemukan cara integrasi konsep pesantren dan kurikulum madrasah dalam proses belajar mengajar. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan tentang dampak integrasi antara konsep pesantren dan kurikulum madrasah.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kulaitatif. Peneliti menggunakan validitas data untuk mencari kredibilitas data. Teknik triangulasi diterapkan untuk mendukung kredibilitas data. Data yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini dikumpulkan, diseleksi, dan dianalisa menggunakan deskriptif analisis. Data yang diperoleh disajikan secara deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk menghadapi tantangan global, MI Al-Islam 1 Ngesrep ini selalu meng-update perkembangan kurikulum berdasarkan kurikulum terbaru yang dicanangkan oleh Kementerian Keagamaan dan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Budaya. Para guru sering diikutkan pelatihan dan seminar terkait dengan perkembangan kurikulum. Di sisi lain integrasi antara konsep pesantren dan kurikulum madrasah diaplikasikan pada masing-masing mata pelajaran. Misalnya pada saat siswa belajar sejarah, guru akan menumbuhkan semangat yang muncul dari pelajaran itu tanpa terbebani dengan intergrasi mata pelajaran lain. Konsep ini berbeda dengan sekolah Islam integrasi seperti SDII, SDI, ataupun SDIT. Di sekolah-sekolah tersebut, integrasi mata pelajaran diimplementasikan disemua mata pelajaran. Guru bisa saja mengajar IPA, Guru sekaligus menjelaskan materi berdasarkan agama. Tentu diperlukan waktu yang lama untuk mengadopsi konsep ini pada Madrasah. Integrasi konsep pesantren dan kurikulum madrasah lebih mudah untuk diaplikasikan dan diduplikasi diberbagai madrasah lain. Dengan mengaplikasikan konsep ini madrasah akan tetap bisa menjaga jatidiri karakter madrasah. Hasil integrasi antara kurikulum pesantren dan nasional menunjukkan bahwa sekolah ini masih tetap bertahan meskipun perkembangan SDIT tumbuh pesat. Masyarakat masih mempercayai sekolah ini untuk mendidik anak-anak mereka. Selain itu, sekolah ini mendapat nilai A (90) untuk akreditasi BAN pada tanggal 11 Nopember 2009. Sekolah ini diakui sebagai sekolah berstandar nasional.
Kata Kunci: konsep pesantren, kurikulum madrasah, persaingan global, integrasi
Trickster tale is the heart of Native American culture that reflects the life and culture of Native American. The objective of this study is to explore how the concept of Trickster and its significant in Native American tales. Through the concept of the trickster, this study sees the transformation of the prominent trickster figures in the form of shape, power and behavior. It also aims at revealing clear information about the values of trickster transformation toward Native American life.
Emphasizing on the core of cultural study, this study is conducted under the perspective of American studies. Therefore interdisciplinary theory is applied in order to achieve better understanding of studying folklore. Besides literary approach, this study is supported by sociological, historical, and cultural approach. American studies theories that are used: Richard M. Dorson’s theory of “American studies type”, Herskovit’s “theory of folklore”, and Henry Nash Smith’s “Myth and symbol”. Literary theory that is applied in this study is Carl Jung’s theory the archetype of myth. The library research is employed as the method of collecting data in this study. Books, journals, articles, e-book, and many written materials based on its relevancies to the discussed subject are collected, selected and analyzed by using descriptive analysis. The data obtained are analyzed and presented descriptively.
The study reveals that the significance of the prominent figure transformation is not based on the physical appearance that is altered but it tends to the essence of the shape, power and behavior. The transformation that is found is divided into two broad categories namely cyclical and linear. The transformation covers the three things, shape, power and behavior bring the survival and morality values toward the life.
Key words: Trickster, transformation, value, Native American
Cerita Trickster merupakan cerita rakyat masyarakat Indian yang melegenda, bahkan lebih dari itu ia merupakan cermin kehidupan dan kebudayaan mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari konsep dan arti penting Trickster dalam cerita-cerita di masyarakat Indian. Melalui konsep Trickster yang ada, penelitian ini akan menguraikan transformasi yang terjadi pada tokoh utama cerita Trickster dari segi bentuk, kekuatan dan perangainya. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan informasi tentang adanya nilai moral dalam cerita Trickster terhadap kehidupan masyarakat Indian.
Karena penelitian ini masih dalam lingkup kebudayaan, maka penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif American Studies. Teori interdisciplinary di gunakan untuk memahami lebih lanjut tentang cerita rakyat. Selain pendekatan sastra, penelitian ini juga didukung dengan pendekatan sosiologi, sejarah, dan antropologi. Analisa penelitian ini dipertajam dengan teori sastra dan teori American Studies yang diantaranya teori folklore oleh Richard M. Dorson, Herskovit tentang teori folk lore, dan Henry Nash Smith tentang mitos dan symbol. Simbol-simbol yang ada akan lebih bermakna apabila dilihat dengan konsep dasarnya Carl Jung. Mengingat semua data dari penelitian ini bersumber dari teks tertulis maka metodologi kepustakaan diaplikasikan dalam penelitian ini. Data yang diperoleh dari buku, jurnal, artikel, buku elektronik serta materi lainnya termasuk dari internet dikumpulkan, diseleksi dan dianalisa menggunakan deskripitif analitik. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisa dan diuraikan secara deskripsi.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa esensi dan arti penting dari transformasi yang terjadi dalam cerita Trickster bukan hanya berpatokan pada perubahan bentuk melainkan juga meliputi transformasi pada kekuatan yang dimiliki beserta perangai tokoh tersebut. Transformasi yang terjadi dapat dikategorikan ke dalam dua macam jenis yaitu cyclical dan linear. Dari ketiga perubahan yaitu bentuk, kekuatan dan perangai, terbukti mengajarkan niali-nilai untuk bertahan hidup dan nilai moral terhadap kehidupan masyarakat Indian.
Kata Kunci: Trickster Transformasi, nilai moral, masyarakat Indian,
Trickster tale is the heart of Native American culture that reflects the life and culture of Native American. The objective of this study is to explore how the concept of Trickster and its significant in Native American tales. Through the concept of the trickster, this study sees the transformation of the prominent trickster figures in the form of shape, power and behavior. It also aims at revealing clear information about the values of trickster transformation toward Native American life.
Emphasizing on the core of cultural study, this study is conducted under the perspective of American studies. Therefore interdisciplinary theory is applied in order to achieve better understanding of studying folklore. Besides literary approach, this study is supported by sociological, historical, and cultural approach. American studies theories that are used: Richard M. Dorson’s theory of “American studies type”, Herskovit’s “theory of folklore”, and Henry Nash Smith’s “Myth and symbol”. Literary theory that is applied in this study is Carl Jung’s theory the archetype of myth. The library research is employed as the method of collecting data in this study. Books, journals, articles, e-book, and many written materials based on its relevancies to the discussed subject are collected, selected and analyzed by using descriptive analysis. The data obtained are analyzed and presented descriptively.
The study reveals that the significance of the prominent figure transformation is not based on the physical appearance that is altered but it tends to the essence of the shape, power and behavior. The transformation that is found is divided into two broad categories namely cyclical and linear. The transformation covers the three things, shape, power and behavior bring the survival and morality values toward the life.
Key words: Trickster, transformation, value, Native American
Cerita Trickster merupakan cerita rakyat masyarakat Indian yang melegenda, bahkan lebih dari itu ia merupakan cermin kehidupan dan kebudayaan mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari konsep dan arti penting Trickster dalam cerita-cerita di masyarakat Indian. Melalui konsep Trickster yang ada, penelitian ini akan menguraikan transformasi yang terjadi pada tokoh utama cerita Trickster dari segi bentuk, kekuatan dan perangainya. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan informasi tentang adanya nilai moral dalam cerita Trickster terhadap kehidupan masyarakat Indian.
Karena penelitian ini masih dalam lingkup kebudayaan, maka penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif American Studies. Teori interdisciplinary di gunakan untuk memahami lebih lanjut tentang cerita rakyat. Selain pendekatan sastra, penelitian ini juga didukung dengan pendekatan sosiologi, sejarah, dan antropologi. Analisa penelitian ini dipertajam dengan teori sastra dan teori American Studies yang diantaranya teori folklore oleh Richard M. Dorson, Herskovit tentang teori folk lore, dan Henry Nash Smith tentang mitos dan symbol. Simbol-simbol yang ada akan lebih bermakna apabila dilihat dengan konsep dasarnya Carl Jung. Mengingat semua data dari penelitian ini bersumber dari teks tertulis maka metodologi kepustakaan diaplikasikan dalam penelitian ini. Data yang diperoleh dari buku, jurnal, artikel, buku elektronik serta materi lainnya termasuk dari internet dikumpulkan, diseleksi dan dianalisa menggunakan deskripitif analitik. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisa dan diuraikan secara deskripsi.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa esensi dan arti penting dari transformasi yang terjadi dalam cerita Trickster bukan hanya berpatokan pada perubahan bentuk melainkan juga meliputi transformasi pada kekuatan yang dimiliki beserta perangai tokoh tersebut. Transformasi yang terjadi dapat dikategorikan ke dalam dua macam jenis yaitu cyclical dan linear. Dari ketiga perubahan yaitu bentuk, kekuatan dan perangai, terbukti mengajarkan niali-nilai untuk bertahan hidup dan nilai moral terhadap kehidupan masyarakat Indian.
Kata Kunci: Trickster Transformasi, nilai moral, masyarakat Indian,
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