
Religion In America



1. The Career of Pluralism in America
From the early fourth century onward the Christian faith had been established by law through out the roman empire or the whole known world. It was naturally and socially impossible not to be Christian on Christian soil. The single exception, the Jews, lived existence, set apart from the society at large. That There are several maps that show the group of religion and the character of American pluralism of religion. They are: Baptist, Christian church (disciples of Christ) and the Christian churches and church of Christ, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodist, Presbyterians, roman Catholics, United church of Christ, Adventist, Mennonites, Moravians, Pentecostal churches, and reformed churches.

2. Interpreting America Pluralism
Americans like to speak of their religious statement as one of pluralism, marked by tolerance pluralism is a rather recently applied term, necessitated by presence of hundreds of competing religious groups and the freedom of citizens to have no religion at all.
3. The Elephant In the Dark ( Albanese)
There is a story that both Buddhists and some Muslims claim as their own and like to use a teaching device. It is about an elephant and a group of blind men who had never before encountered one.

The Religion in America is pluralism. Christian is the major religion in America, almost 60 percent from the citizen . As the early religion that is developed there in further time, it is divided into two Catholic and protestant. Both of the believe spread based on their teaching, free spirited and independence. The pluralism or religion there teach them to honor and respect each other. They are all free to pursue their own religion, to be religious or not to be religious in a particular way, they are expected to tolerance others. Each religion teach the moral value for human life. Although the believe is different but all of religion teaching something good. The good deed, behavior, and also attitude that can make the human being live in peace. By the time of independence, people became aware of religious diversity on an intercolonial basis. Beside Christian, Jew and Hindu also available religion in America in the middle of nineteen century. Another religion that comes later is Islam. African brought Islam and the remembered beliefs and practices of many smaller ethnic religious. In America although there are several religions but in fact they still debated what kinds of religion placed first. Their debate and worry like an elephant in the dark. Finally I can take conclusion that there are two kinds of religion boundaries in America. They are: ordinary and extraordinary religion. Both of them concerned in different kinds namely ordinary deals with social relationship tends to culture, while extraordinary deals with spiritual aspects.

• How strong the believe ordinary and extraordinary colored American life especially in the plural society.
• If a conflict happened between the chief or leader of a certain believe is there a wise solution from the government?

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